Hallo, ik ben Mirza Bingol van het Zuidergymnasium en voor een schoolproject moeten we een wereldprobleem oplossen. Wij hebben gekozen voor milieu en ruimte en hieronder vertel ik ons idee uitgebreid. Ik vroeg me af of jullie misschien tijd hebben en mij zouden willen helpen. Mijn vraag is of jullie denken dat dit idee zou kunnen werken en of het überhaupt mogelijk is!
Hieronder ons idee:
Hello sir, how are you today? for the school project Artcadia we have to find a solution to the problem: Environment and Space. We thought and that we keep arable farming, animal husbandry (only cows, goats, sheep and chickens) and we produce fruit and vegetables. This each happens on a different floor and, for example, fruit that grows on trees also comes on another floor. We use rainwater that we collect with tons around the entire building for water and irrigation from ditches, the building made of glass so that enough heat and light can enter to grow the plants. We also have pastures for the cows (have a horse myself so know how much space that takes up that will be fine!)
we also use robots to grow everything and take care of all the animals, they are charged in the basement and all electrical cables and etc. are also kept in the basement. The robots pick the fruit and put it in a container when it is full, they tip it into a slide and then the food rolls down to bins where they are sorted.
We were wondering if you have any tips and if you would change things?
best regards, Mirza Bingol.